Kubernetes k8s
Why Kubernetes?
We are currently having the bare-metal hardware partitioned similar to: “3 nodes for DB, 8 nodes for web apps, 4 nodes for C++ backends, 2 nodes for storage, etc.”. Each node has a pre-defined role in the infrastructure, determined by the service/software that runs on it.
This paradigm has a couple of problems:
- Difficult maintenance - Rebooting the Operating System of a node, or doing any low-level maintenance on a node is difficult, as it leads to down time, affecting lots of interconnected systems.
- Moving “loads” is expensive - Moving services (software instances), between the nodes is an expensive operation, impacting both infrastructure and software engineers. Such reorganizations are required when a node needs maintenance, or the software needs to move to a more powerful machine, newer Operating System, etc.
- Inefficient resource utilization - In the best case, each node is used at a capacity of 80-90%, leaving room for extra resources that might be needed going further. Thus, leaving at least 10% unused resources on each node. Multiply that by at least 10 nodes we have in the co-location, and it turns out we are keeping at least one node running, and unloaded at the co-location level. I’m not trying to say this is a power consumption issue. I’m trying to say that this can be used as a solution to item 1, from above.
As a generic solution, I propose a paradigm shift, in which all processing units are equal and general-purpose, using Kubernetes to orchestrate the load(/services/containers) onto the worker nodes. Sure, a pre-requisite is to run everything in containers, so that instances can easily be moved across nodes, by K8s. Those components that are not yet containerized, can run in ssh-enabled environments/containers, similar to VMs.
By containerizing apps, they are much easier to move across nodes. And by using the K8s orchestrator, loads are distributed in order to drive up utilization and save more resources.
Using K8s brings other benefits too:
- Resilience - Loads are moved automatically upon node failure, to a different node, thus eliminating the need for manual operations under high-pressure times (sometimes even during night time).
- Offers internal DNS and Load Balancing features out of the box - decreasing the load for maintaining these in the SysAdmin team. And the good part is that they are provided with almost no maintenance cost at all, as it’s all handled automatically by K8s.
- Allows better secret management (required by HashiCorp Vault KMS for example).
- Finally we can move away from shared accounts at the OS/SSH level.
- Allows automatic horizontal scaling of apps based on demand.
- Allows automatic progressive roll outs/backs.
- Resource utilization monitoring - native per container(,pod, NS) cpu usage, ram usage, network traffic(in/out), disk IO, and many more.
This is just to name a few, but there are many more.
“Cattle not pets” is a core principle of the CNCF, used in the design of K8s. This means that the whole system is designed to be more resilient, being able to recover no matter which component dies. Every component is code-defined and is recreated if not healthy. Even the nodes can be pulled out of the cluster, and the cluster recovers. So, we shouldn’t be emotionally attached to any piece, we shouldn’t invest lots of time and manual effort in a component(treating it like a pet, and suffering if it dies) - each component can be killed when the time comes, and recreated with almost no effort(cattle).
Storage plays an important role in K8s. Even though K8s has support for NFS volumes, which can be provided by a NAS with RAID support, I should emphasize that lots of the solutions are still suffering from a single point of failure, and are not really decentralized, because they have only one motherboard to which multiple storage devices are attached. So we have redundancy for the storage device, but not for the system(motherboard & OS) that exposes the storage to the network.
There are a lot of Cloud Native Storage solutions, implemented to be really redundant and resilient, such as: Ceph, Longhorn or OpenEBS.
Read more at: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/components/ .
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# Author: Tancredi-Paul Grozav <paul@grozav.info>
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runs_on: all_nodes
listen_port: [ 10248, 10250 ]
description: |
Makes sure containers are running in pods
Talks the gRPC protocol. Connects to Container Runtime Interface (CRI),
with which it talks gRPC. CRI is a layer above the Container Runtime.
For example ContainerD or other container runtime implementations.
The container runtime actually manages the pods and the containers inside
the pods.
It is connecting to the kube-apiserver.
runs_on: all_nodes
listen_port: 10257
description: |
Handles network traffic, rules, etc.
Also exposes NodePort services to each control-plane node.
runs_on: all_nodes
listen_port: null # does not listen
runs_on: control_planes
listen_port: 6443
client: kubectl
- controller-manager
- scheduler
- etcd
- kubelet
description: |
Talks to every kubelet from every worker node.
6443, this port, is the only one that needs to be opened on the node, to be
able to have a working k8s cluster. Plus any other, defined, NodePorts.
runs_on: control_planes
listen_port: [ 2379, 2380 ]
description: |
Decentralized key-value database storing all the k8s cluster data.
runs_on: control_planes
listen_port: 10259
description: |
Schedules pods that are created but not assigned to a specific node.
runs_on: control_planes
listen_port: 10257
description: |
Watches for changes in the state of the objects, and make sure that the
actual state converges towards the new desired state.
# ============================================================================ #
' Author: Tancredi-Paul Grozav <paul@grozav.info>
' To view the diagram:
' - go to: https://www.plantuml.com/
' - paste the source and wait or click Submit btn
skin rose
title Kubernetes cluster
actor k8s_admin
agent kubectl
package "Kubernetes cluster" {
interface "k8s API Load Balancer" as k8s_api_lb
node "cp1" {
agent "kube-apiserver.cp1" as api_server__cp1
interface "6443" as api_server_port__6443_cp1
api_server__cp1 -up- api_server_port__6443_cp1
node "cp2" {
agent "kube-apiserver.cp2" as api_server__cp2
interface "6443" as api_server_port__6443_cp2
api_server__cp2 -up- api_server_port__6443_cp2
node "cp3" {
agent "kube-apiserver.cp3" as api_server__cp3
interface "6443" as api_server_port__6443_cp3
api_server__cp3 -up- api_server_port__6443_cp3
node "wrk1" {
agent "kubelet.wrk1" as kubelet__wrk1
agent "kube-proxy.wrk1" as kube_proxy__wrk1
k8s_api_lb --( api_server_port__6443_cp1
k8s_api_lb --( api_server_port__6443_cp2
k8s_api_lb --( api_server_port__6443_cp3
api_server__cp1 -- kubelet__wrk1
api_server__cp2 -- kubelet__wrk1
api_server__cp3 -- kubelet__wrk1
k8s_admin -- kubectl
kubectl -down-( k8s_api_lb
# Start pod(container) interactively and delete it at the end (NS must exist)
kubectl -n my-ns run my-test-pod --image=alpine:3.15.1 --env k1=v1 --env k2=v2 --stdin --tty --rm=true -- /bin/sh
# Start pod on certain node
kubectl -n my-ns run my-test-pod --overrides='{ "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "affinity": { "nodeAffinity": { "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": { "nodeSelectorTerms": [ { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "kubernetes.io/hostname", "operator": "In", "values": [ "worker-784" ] } ] } ] } } } } }' --image=alpine:3.15.1 --env k1=v1 --env k2=v2 --stdin --tty --rm=true -- /bin/sh
# Create configmap manually
kubectl create configmap test--config --from-literal=special.how=very --from-literal=special.type=charm
kubectl get configmap test--config -o yaml